gwensarah and johanny
Cast of players

*** A plaintive request: People who's names are revealed either know about my journal, read my journal or could care less if I talk about them in such a public forum. However there are those listed who I refer by initial, nickname or use red herrings for in terms of true identity. If you know any of us in real life, I ask that you keep this between me and you. I had a close friendship jeopordised by an old journal of mine and would hate to see the same thing happen again..

Who hangs out at the Glass Arcade?

The heroes and the nemesis:

Rymer: My amazing, gifted, adorable son. He loves music and mischief, his DeeDee, his cats, and me.

Mandy: Best friend of 9 years, she's been through most everything either with me or at least heard about it later.

Liam: Once upon a time there was a boy, with dark eyes and a shy smile. Eyes met over a crowded room only to look away..but fate intervened and brought them back together as friends who could find the story in songs. Liam is that boy and where his story will go is yet to be seen.

Oceanside Seven: Shawn, Jeremy Q., Aaron, Jon, Billy, Shelte, Val..these were part of a very special group of friends who may or may not be mentioned at times, it was probably the craziest and most interesting time of my life and while we had all drifted to the seems that Shawn and I have picked up the threads again.

Tanis or Tanthalas: This would be Jon, my son's father.. Lives in Minnesota.

Jacqueline: My older sister who also keeps a journal, sometimes we are very much alike and other times the differences are incredibly obvious. The only one of my siblings whom I would have as a friend even if we had not been related.

Emma, Harvey, Wendy, Bobby: Cats..notably mine and Rymer's cats. Named after a Field Mice song, Harvey Williams, the girl in Peter Pan and Rymer named Bobby after Bobby Wratten of Trembling Blue Stars.

Jonathan My nephew, Rymer's favourite cousin. My sister M'Lisa's child.

Aaron or Aaronnach My first love, never to be forgotten and sometimes a historical reference in this journal. A ley line walker and a poet of rare abilities.

D. Once my favoured companion, best friend, confidante and train station kissing partner. He killed himself in February 2002. This touches upon my feelings regarding this loss while this touches on why I loved him so. D. and I met when I was twelve and he eighteen, thrown together by circumstance he became first an older brother, then best friend and fell in love with me when I was eighteen, a love I wasn't able to return until the night of my 21st birthday when I finally stopped chasing the elusive and noticed what was right in front of me. We only had a short time together before I went through possibly the darkest point of my life and ran away from any who loved me. "The December Series" is an ongoing collection of entries written for him using mine and his journals from the years we had known each other as friends or lovers. I still ache for him and no one else has ever known every aspect of me and loved me "just as I am".

Jeremy: Someone I call one of my best friends even though I have never met him face to face..for some reason I feel I can and do tell him just about anything.

C. Rymer or Rymer The first Rymer..a wise, wonderful, witty, and brilliant man for whom I didn't realise just how recipricated his feelings for me were until it was too late. He was killed in an auto accident in July, son born the day after what would have been Rymer's 28th birthday is named for him.

DFF: Dear Faraway Friend. He is magical, amazing, and lives outside London (in what I call the spookiest house ever) where he dazzles the world with his wit and droll sense of humour. He also runs a record label that I love only second to Shinkansen and Clairecords.

B. or "birdy" Sensitive and shy friend, not unknown to those well versed in British music out of Manchester but reserved enough for me to not name him blatantly in these missives.

Matt or "Camille" Matt was once my friend. His selfishness and immaturity have cost him any kind thoughts I may have once had towards him, he fucked me over..abandoned his cats in my house..and caused alot of problems for people. I'd almost think getting hiv is his own personal karmic debt..he's a pretty shitty person with no regards to others.

Jayson I met Jayson in 2000 as a friend of Matt's. Somehow despite the fact that we're very different and I hate Bjork, we've remained friends over the years. He's complicated and strangely wonderful and sometimes reminds me so much of D. that my breath catches and I have to step back and reclaim my bearings.

B1 Someone I once met when I was a wee lass of 12 and who through the magic of music and luck crosses my path now and again. He's beautiful, sensitive, kind, and utterly amazing and lately I've been dreaming of him incessantly. I think I've compared every boy I've ever met to him without knowing it, and yes they've all fell short.

B2 Also known as "fluffy" as in the three headed guard dog from Harry Potter.. B1's best friend and now girlfriend, I'm not sure if I like her or detest her.

M. Will rarely get a mention because he is incredibly uncomfortable with this journal, (as is DFF so if you ever know me or them in real life I pray you can keep a secret!)but since he factored into a dream I recounted here I have to mention him now. He and I have had an odd friendship for a few years and I only want happiness for him. Lives in London, writes things, and generally makes me giggle.

This is the basic cast...there will sometimes be other's mentioned but anyone who has more than a passing role will be added.

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