gwensarah and johanny
falling into quiet comfort
21:48 & 02 September 2002

"make me happy, make me smile"- Orchids


It had been another one of those long nights whispering softly over the sound of scratchy vinyl. I fell gently into slumber, the sounds of the music entwining with the story he was weaving. Hours later as I languidly arose an unbidden smile played about my lips as I remembered what day it was to be.

The day blurred into a frenzy of last minute phone calls, scones and tea. I remember him preening in courderoy and stripes and me giggling at his antics, I remember the softest sweater and snowflakes leaving delicate traces on my face whenever I would venture outdoors. A race for the train and away we were, to meet up with friends at all the stations in between. Our voices rang out as we sang "If I knew that", not caring about the glowers of the middle age commuters in the same car or how decidely uncheerful those lyrics actually are...

Did the hilarity truly begin when we realised we were lost? Or were we primed for it from the moment we awoke? A missed train here, a snap decision there and as night fell, a giggling group of wayward companions made finding one small gig a quest. Wandering damp streets, we roused the night with our dancing eyes and bawdy verses of old half recollected drinking songs.

Twisting and turning, streets lit by lone torches we made our way to the Rock Garden and on arrival, disappearing in a flurry of embraces as we found the rest of the party we had lost when we went a'roving. Hushed and oddly expectant we waited for our cute little bands to take the stage. I can still remember St. Christopher's funny fashion sense, leaning over Andy's shoulder to throw orchids at the Orchids, and positively swooning to hear "If I Knew That" come on all fatalistic and dreamy.

Mostly I remember the trip back home, waiting for the last train..half asleep yet my whole body humming with excitement. We all laughed and poked fun at our favourite moments, and as the train roared through the night we fell into quiet comfort.

Dozing against Damien, thoughts poised somewhere in the delicate balance between sleep and wakefulness. Giving half an ear to quiet words swirling around me, voices and the hum of the train as gently soothing as a lullaby.

Arriving home, strangely reluctant bid farewell to a perfect night. I put on old records and dance softly in a firelit room, dreaming. Hearing footsteps I turn around to the sound of my name and smile the smile of a girl awash in happiness and contentment...

Listening: London Weekend- Another Sunny Day

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