gwensarah and johanny
wanting progress
12:07 & 07 April 2004

Hmmmm..nothing so sinister which is good. My gold membership is about to expire which is a fecking drag for I can pay for it but with no checking account I'm not quite sure how I can still use paypal..ah well I've got a week to ponder it.

It's still rather cold up the mountain and I find myself craving warmth, but not heat..just some happy springtime weather.

I wish I had some swanking new news to report but I really don't..other than deciding that while I'll really miss sex (remember the looooooong hiatus? I'm probably facing one like that again) I just may not be cut out for any relationship which involves settling and in this place there is no keen indie boy lurking in the woods so chances are I'll wind up that eccentric spinster with too many cats.

At least if I want cereal for dinner there's no one to bitch about it.

What I really need is a job. Seriously. The mountain communities don't offer much in the way of employment so I've began searching in San Bernardghetto..blah, that's a drag because it's so hot down there and because apparently companies there are more in search of indentured servants rather than actual employees.

So what to say really? I want a great deal and wonder how to make it all happen.

But I'm not pining for anything or anyone...I just feel the restlessness of spring.

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