gwensarah and johanny
I'm glad it wasn't Mr. Weasley
14:30 & 24 June 2003

I have a searing headache involving blinding pain behind my left eye and a bucket (due to the ever so pleasant projectile vomiting that is accompanying the trolls shooting knives into my brain) next to my bed for which I can only take exedrin, Otter Pops and sleep because I've no access to anything that might actually work

Not having fecking health coverage sucks donkey nuts.

It's like a rave is going on inside my brain, albeit unpleasantly.

I took a nap and dreamt of a movie that pissed me off and two gay friends trying to help me fill out unemployment forms in a house that I didnt recognise.

It's more of a dull pain now but still means I have to shelve my entry for a little while, I only wanted to say now that I find it interesting that the journal I'll be working on for the journal project is to be released on June 25 if only because it's a birthday I'm thinking about incessantly.

I wish I was on the list for the June 19th journal because I would be in some excellent company.

I'd love to see what they did to theirs.

I think I'm going back to bed now, but you seriously make me smile and I'm constantly forgetting to tell you so consider this a public declaration of how much your comments mean to me.

I'm glad I finished Harry Potter Five before my brain decided to implode..

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