gwensarah and johanny
Dear Santa
00:13 & 24 December 2003

All I really want for Christmas is..

1.) Marine Time Keepers and Stars CDs
2.) new books damnit
3.) whatever that pipeweed stuff is Pippin and Merry smoke..I mean really, they were a wee bit toasty werent they?
4.) to be looked at the way Aragorn looked at Arwen at the end of RotK
5.) Jayson and Keith to come through on that Disneyland party favour..
6.) to be happy even if momentarily
7.) money..because damn poverty SUCKS
8.) for my car to magically be fixed and to have my damn keys turn up
9.) a mind shattering oragasm (ok ok, too much info I know..)
10.) for my boyfriend to vanquish his demons
11.) to be thought of as absolutely adorable and spoiled indulgantly
12.) to spend a day with my sister
13.) for all of you to be blissfully happy
14.) to see Return of the King again
15.) to know that everything is going to work out just fine..

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